CREDITS – All images sourced from Summiyya Shah
Always enthralling her followers with mesmerizing travel stories, Summiyya Shah of House of Misu drops her travel style file along with major wanderlust goals. Cruising around the picturesque property of Amanbagh in the quaint town of Ajabgarh, the fashion blogger recounts her trip to the royal state of Rajasthan.
[Q] Where were you staying during your recent vacation?
I was staying at this gorgeous property of Amanbagh in Jaipur.
[Q] Why did you want to come to this place?
I loved that it was a piece of heaven tucked between the mountains, serving you the most beautiful sunsets.
[Q] How did you prepare for your vacation?
I always carry clothes that are suitable for the location. In a place like Jaipur, you can wear a lot of prints and accessories.
[Q] What are some of the must-packs for the place you traveled to?
1. Hats
2. Sunscreen
3. Dresses
4. Loads of jewellery
5. Sunglasses
[Q] Is there anything you wish you’d done before you left home?
Ah! I wish I had carried an extra sweater since it was extremely cold.
[Q] How did you reach your destination and then to your hotel/resort?
I took a flight to Jaipur and then drove to the hotel in a car.
[Q] What is the first thing you did when you enter your hotel/resort room?
I love walking through my entire room, looking around at what’s in store for me.
[Q] What did you do during your stay there?
I saw the sunset, did yoga, ate outstanding meals under the stars, and heard folk music.
[Q] What are the activities or must-see’s or must-do’s that you missed doing while you stayed there?
I missed the mountain trek, which I would have loved to do.
[Q] What local cuisine did you try?
I tried their authentic thali, which was outstanding.
[Q] How did you document your trip?
I took a lot of pictures and videos, but most importantly, I’ve preserved them in my memories because I don’t like to miss out on the moment.
[Q] Your favorite memory from the holiday?
It would be listening to the birds chirping at 6 am while I had my morning tea.
[Q] Who is the most interesting person you’ve met during your recent vacation?
The General Manager of the hotel is an outstanding gentleman who recited stories after stories about the quaint town of Ajabgarh.
[Q] What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned from your latest travel?
Life is too short so take that flight/buy that ticket!
[Q] What was the most challenging thing you’ve done during your recent vacation?
The COVID-19 tests at every stage can cut down on the time that you have on your holiday.
[Q] What would your advice be to other travelers to do when they visit this place?
Come with your empty tummies, and you will leave with a full heart!
[Q] Do you call yourself a traveler or a tourist?
A traveler who loves documenting the memories in my heart.
[Q] What kind of packer are you – light or heavy-duty?
I’m a very heavy packer because I like to make sure I have everything I would ever need!
[Q] What are your travel essentials?
Sunscreen, hats, my iPad, sunnies, training shoes, shawl, and a lip balm.
[Q] How many gadgets do you carry while traveling?
I carry my laptop, iPad, iPhone, a camera stand, and AirPods.
[Q] What are your traveling pet peeves?
I hate using public restrooms. So if I can avoid it, I will until it’s impossible!
[Q] What has been the most useful travel item you’ve bought?
A bag self-weigher.
[Q] What’s the most reliable source of travel advice?
Word of mouth. I always ask friends who have visited the place for travel advice.
[Q] What’s the most important thing that you’ve ever lost on any of your vacations?
My AirPods. Sadly, I had to read subtitles on my entire flight back.
[Q] Do you prefer to walk, take public transport, or take private transport during a vacation?
I love walking.
[Q] What’s the best souvenir you’ve bought?
A bracelet from Istanbul.
[Q] Would you rather see a lot of places or get to know one really well?
I’d definitely like to get to know one place better. I dislike hopping cities. I love staying in one place for a long time.
[Q] What is your dream traveling experience?
One where I will be traveling without masks!
[Q] What, according to you, is that one most cliche thing to do when on a vacation?
A selfie stick!